After that is completed I select my Flange Front block, right click and select Block Editor and the display should look something like this. I do the same for my Flange, Pipe, Elbow and tee sketches and call them respectively Flange Side, Pipe, 90-Elbow and Tee so that I have five blocks in total. I create a normal block with my two flange front sketches in it and call it Flange_Front. My 2D Sketches look like the image shown below. I could add every size available for a pipe specification, but for this example, two sizes are enough. I created an 80NB and 100NB Flange, Pipe, Tee and 90° Elbow. So to begin with I created some 2D pipe sketches. I will try to demonstrate most of the functions I have used before by applying it to something a little bit more interesting than just creating drawing symbols. This Section Label can rotate in any direction and be used on any side using the grips identified on the image, but this is just a fraction of what dynamic blocks can do. The example below is one of my Dynamic blocks. A Dynamic block allows you to dynamically change 2D Objects in various ways, like rotate, scale, move, show or hide. I mostly use this feature to create dynamic symbols that can be used in drawings, like Section arrows, 2D Pipe ends, North Arrows, etc.

One of the most powerful features of AutoCAD is dynamic blocks.